Sunday, May 20, 2012


To be more intelligent than most adults, but looked down upon because of my age is a troublesome thing. I'm not saying I'm just as good as an adult. I just would like to be seen as an equal and not as an inferior being. I'm human, I should not be looked at as a child, like a different species. I should be seen as an equal.

Now that I'm done with that. I have a "guest" who will be righting on this blog just like me. His name is D, and he is my brother. While I will Be writing about my thoughts, he will be giving his insight on many different things.

Live long and prosper


P.S.  Im not as good with words as my little brother here. But i will try to make this blog less brainy.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why Should I care?

Some people get you angry. They try to sink that ship of happiness you call life, for their own personal gain. And I say let them try. Why? Well if these people's lives are so bad the only way to feel goods is to make other people feel bad, you should let them do what makes them happy. But before you get angry or sad, remember those people are probably worst off than you are. Maybe worst off then you will ever be.

The reason I start off this post like this is because today got me thinking. Why in the world should anything anyone says about me, affect me?

In seventh grade I stopped caring what other people thought of me. It's not like I looked in the mirror and said," Today I'll stop caring." Some kids just started messing with me and I didn't care about what they say.
If some one thinks I'm ugly, I still think I'm handsome. If they think I'm geeky, I may be, but I'm proud to be one. Even some of you reading this may think I'm just some loser kid who is trying to be wise, or I'm a wanna be Aristotle, but i say think what you want, whether it be positive or negative. Whether what you say has a negative or positive impact on my, or any one else's life. While many people think it's not that big of a deal. I think it is.
People who truly dont care what others think of them. People who do their own thing. People who have friends who like them for who they are, and what they stand for, an not what they have. Those people are probably the luckiest people on earth.

And until we start to think, not like those people, but all together, think about what other people say, how you think,and which of those you rather go by, will you truly be happy.

Dont look to be accepted, just accept yourself.

P.S. Let them rock your boat, just dont let them tip it over.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A productive day?

I would say not. With my amazing skill of falling asleep while sitting up, I have missed a day worth of school, and with my free time I mad a snack and didn't do anything but surf the web and watch Jackie Chan movies. You might be saying," T, why would you rather sleep and watch movies at home when you can live it up with friends in high school?"

My answer would be Because I'm 16, and that's what we teenage boys do. We sleep go to school, hang with friends, hook up with females(or at least try) get in odd predicaments that get up grounded. . . .Or at least I do, and most of all, we eat.

Now do not let my age convince you that this blog is about silly things like who's a better rapper, or why do parents always get there way?

I'm here to give those who like to be entertained a story about the life of a regular guy who gets in a lot of trouble, big and small. Now sit back and get ready for more personal posts.

 The imagination exercises a powerful influence over every act of sense, thought, reason,
-- over every idea. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

A new beginning

For you, yes you, you reading this, this is the facts and opinions of me (The names T by the way) and this blog is to get a story out into the world. Just a story of my life and what i think about. Things I wouldn't let anyone else know. What I tell you may not seem like a true story, but i assure you it is. With that rather odd beginning to this blog. I end it like anyone else would.

Live everyday like it's your last
